dimanche 12 janvier 2014

Best Adult CPA for making Money


Crakrevenue - Best Adult CPA



The site has user-friendly navigation that is presented using a crisp, clear, and easy to understand design. There are no harsh colours on the website, which helps while you spend time looking over the information. Once you’re accepted into the program you get inside access to their tools and products offers. The tabs are easy to read and it’s a synch to navigate to get where you want right away. There a few key pages that are hidden under the sitemap section, like “Payment History” that could be more visible. Otherwise, this is a very clean layout to navigate.

Variety of Offers

CrakRevenue has a surprisingly large array of different offers. There is an offer available for every niche, and what’s more, a lot of their products are international. That will bring a smile to the face of many affiliates who struggle to find the right product for their niche in the right language. As far as variety goes, it’s really good, however there could be more offers. Their products are great and partners will look forward to them adding more.


Quality of Offers

Hands down, this site has the best offers around, and it’s no secret why. CrakRevenue actually tests their offers on their own traffic before releasing them on their CPA network. That way, if an offer doesn’t meet their standards through testing, it goes to back to where it came from. Only the winners make it and get added to their offer list. This means that affiliates can evaluate their offers on a level playing field, knowing that each offer has been proven to be profitable. Best of all, they also have exclusive offers that you just wouldn’t get access to without their network. In short, CrakRevenue uncomplicates offer selection. So all that’s left is to match an offer with the right traffic.


Now here’s a network that’s almost as analytic as I am! Their fast stats engine is very flexible and customizable. Stats can be displayed by category, program and tracker, with a few other options. The importance here is having several filters so that you can pinpoint with accuracy the specific information that you need to further measure and analyse your campaign. Find every single minute detail you’re looking for, or keep the search general if you like, it’s up to you.


If I could give more than five stars here, I would. Their customer service team is simply tops. You can get their contact information directly from the site and when you sign up, the account manager sends you a message directly, welcoming you to CrakRevenue. If you run into trouble, they won’t hide hoping that you and your problem will disappear. They are always there, ready and available. Also, they aren’t shy about giving lucrative advice. These guys really know what they’re talking about. They also have a fantastic blog that is a hidden gem.


“When it comes to payments, I only have to questions: 1 – How much am I getting paid? And 2 – When do I get my money?
I can’t stand it when companies hold on to my hard-earned cash and decide when they’ll pay me. CrakRevenue doesn’t leave you twisting in the wind. They offer some of the highest payouts I have ever seen (seriously, just have a look for yourself!). And here’s the beauty of it, they pay on time. That’s right, you get your cash in your hands when you need it so that you can free up your mind for other things, like making more money.


CrakRevenue has set the bar high in the adult CPA network world. They have innovative landing pages and tons of eye-popping, great selling banners that make it easy to get started so that you can make a profit right out of the gate. Their support team is the real deal, providing professional advice because they know the business as well as you and I do (maybe even better). The CrakRevenue Network earns a whopping 4.8 out of 5 stars for being an impressive and complete package. Try out their programs with confidence.

One week:


